Producing Export Quality fields

Earlier Human Life span is used to be 120 years and now it is reduced to 60-70 years based on the quality of food we eat from time to time. As the contamination of Soil, Water & Air has rapidly increased resulting in horrible life conditions and reduced life span.

Therefore, Mygreenfields, takes a prominent responsiblity in saving the environment from Nature Cancer & Global Warming by increasing Greenery, plantation of trees and plants by promoting Agriculture throughout the nation.

Environmental balance is a system of maintenance and sustainability. This power is strongly influenced by the magnitude of human activities that damage the order of ecosystem. 

Environmental balance is maintained in the following ways:

  • Through continuous operation of various natural cycles such as the water cycle, carbon cycle, oxygen cycle and nitrogen cycle.
  • It is also maintained due to the existence of various food chains in the ecosystem.
  • Plantation of Trees can be done at our Mygreenfields Gated Communities across the nation for Social or Private events like Birthdays, Anniversaries, Festivals, or Memorial day celebrations etc on their names.
  • By increasing Organic farming and by converting Un-Fertile lands as Fertile, the Environmental balance is maintained.

Why Choose us ?

Here is the cause for which Mygreenfields, works for ...!!!

    • We work to provide heaven for Agri Lovers.

    • We are one of the Largest Agri land Bank in India.

    • We are contributing to solve some of Humans most pressing challenges.

    • We strive to improve Global health.

    • We work to optimise food systems for the Future 

    • We are working for Sustaining the health of the planet.

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